Railway Transport

It is widely acknowledged that rail transportation offers better safety, lower cost, is more environmentally friendly, and a comparatively faster transport logistics solution. We therefore offer a variety of railway freight services to/from worldwide destinations via the railway network of our neighbors in China and Russia, either by direct rail or non-direct multi-modal modes of transport. Furthermore, there are direct railway services available to/from European and CIS countries to Mongolia via Russia.

  • Export and Import container transportation

    1. Equipment & bulk cargo transportation (platform, open top and covered wagons)

    2. Organization of special purpose, wagon transport (heating or refrigerator wagon, tank and bunker wagons)

    3. Over-sized or super heavy cargo transportation by rail, where there may be a requirement for special arrangements and transport conditions

    4. All types of Multimodal transportation (combination of ocean, road or air transport with the railways)

    5. Rail transit freight organization across one or more countries, from origin to destination